
Showing posts from December, 2010

Tiba jua...

Hari yang aku x teruja... hari ni.... hari dimana kaki ku melangkah pergi... dari rumah sendiri... untuk berdikari... sendiri... lonely... sunyi... dammit! aku stress! awat susah bebenor nak jadi adult ni... kan best kalau bleh kekal jadi kanak2 selama-lama-lama-lamanya~    

Tragedi Krismas~

kisahnya bermula dua minggu yang lalu.... aku dipesan untuk menghadirkan diri ke sekolah pada 27 hb... utuk belajar pa tah... something that got to do with result... yesterday, i msg Pk to confirm the date again... and guess what! i'm supposed to go on  the day of PMR result announced! bloody hell! n here i am so happy for going to Titi Hayun with my family, so confident about the date (ignoring the purpose) where the PURPOSE is the most important thing! so guilty man...... i msg an apologize to her... n the GB too... i have no idea how it would turn this way... so embarrassing... so instead of going there on 26, i now will go there on 28... every things happen for a reason.... n i learn the saying 'malu bertanya sesat jalan' the hard way~ p/s: selamat hari natal semua~


berjaya jugak akhirnya membawa kereta hingga ke Naka... 50km tu...hehehe... macam x caya lak bleh sampai... at least x selenguh time bawa p Yan... esok nak p Titi Hayun lak... another round of 'lenguh'ness... hikhikhik... semoga aku kekal berani dan berhati2 dalam membawa kereta tu pada masa akan datang... amin....  *Family Vacation~ FINALLY!*

Syukur. Grateful.

Syukur. Alhamdulillah. buka mata mesti syukur. hidup lagi. buka mulut mesti syukur. bleh cakap n makan lagi . semua SEMPURNA. hidup ? mesti lah susah sikit. dah nama pun hidup . x kan memanjang nak senang. as said by my mom; "good things dont last, so as the bad things" Be grateful coz u can at least still experience them.

Driving. Cheesecake. & ...

driving.mmg payah. rasa macam nak putus urat jantung sebab nervous punya pasal. nasib ada mama.^_^ Love U MOM! Kuala Kedah, Billion dah sampai.  Hari ni cadang nak p Yan lak. Maybe sampai Titi Hayun kot. :-p tapi apa pun, I can DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha love u too, KAN-chan~ Cheesecake.mcm haram. nampak je cantik, bahan pun mudah.cara pun senang. hasil dia: hangit! ciskek betul! tapi Alhamdulillah, walaupun sakit mata memandang namun rasanya tidak menghampakan~ lagipun adik2 suka~ hehehe... ni semua kes nak perabih Cream CHeese sebuku tu.. lepas ni: SUMPAH X BUAT DAH! (cakap je...ntah2 terbit sebiji lagi ciskek tu) ... .......... .......................... gundah. mimpi buruk. pergi jauh. yakin. tabah. mesti boleh!

Minggu Kedua di SMK Naka~

Tinggal 5 hari orientasi kat sekolah... mula2 masuk, canggung gila... x tau macam mana nak bawa diri... aku sangat bertuah, sebab pembantu2 tadbir kat sini baik2 belaka... peramah... depa bagitau suh rilek2, makan2... hehehe... PK dgn pengetua plak macam ayah n mak.... sgt comfortable... mcm family... tapi spoiler dia, keja sikit... of course people say that i should be grateful that i can relax but i would love to go to school with a purpose, instead of sitting around doing nothing... really... i just cant stay out too long... ifeel that my butt will somehow explode from sitting too long.... hehehehe.... the second week is even worse coz there's only two days of exam.... today is Sunday so no one comes to school... its so quiet n boring.... Tuesday is another day off.. i was planning to clean up my rental room...but dont know yet for sure bout that... anyway, i'm so bored so i decided to start typing my 'Laporan Kajian Tindakan'... God knows how to do it... so far this...