My Third Lovely-Oven Dish~

Yosha!!!! at last, the moment we've been waiting for, i mean, i'm waiting for, has arrived! the day i make my own pizza! yummy~ thanks to my mum for making the dough~ we the children just simply spread the dough, n the toppings~(kira buat jgk lah kan...) hahahaa~~ without further ado, the pictures!

Ni before masuk oven..... topping dgn ayam gorng berempah, bwng n daun sup... sos, beli jek kat supermarket~ ^_^

ni br je masuk. oven.. semua pakat dok melangut depan oven... lapaq gila katakan... mmg terliur lah!

ni x sempat snap yg full... keluaq2 ja, semua sambaq... hahaha~ mmg best lah, cuma x pedas ja.... mmmm~

the product!

Akhir kata, mmg berbaloi beli oven! walaupon lmbt, dpn jgk aku merasa panas oven, memasak something, dgn famili aku... till next oven dish!


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