30 days to the end... + post raya! ^^
kira p mai p mai, lagi 30 hari saja lagi nak PMR.... tolak cuti... haish... rsult percubaan sgt tidak ok... mngu depan ada pemantauan lak... aiseh... lagi sebulan pun nak pantau... now, what;s left is to drill trial questions and hopefully, they are able to answer it properly... after that, its all up to them... . . . . . . . . anyway, i am sooooo not in the mood to go to school.... still in the mood for raya~ hehehe.... this raya has been so busy, people kept coming three days non stop... me & my mom were exhausted~ by forth day, we then were able to breath... and this holiday was also a shocking one! a truth that slaps everyone in my house... a truth that freaks all of us out... a truth that i always hear or read but never cross in my mind that it can happen to our family too.... a TRUTH~ we are braving through it... all of us... hopefully ALLAH will help us... putting what's right back to its place... i can only pray...