its gone??

dah selesai tapi rasa macam x selesai... aku masih x percaya yg dia dah ok... seriously rasa macam dia buat2 lega tapi sebenarnya benda tu masih ada keliling dia... macam mana ni? pelik betul aku ni... the uncle said its gone but somehow i dont think its gone forever... that this is just an act to make us stop from doubting her.... so suspicious,...........................................................................


  1. nampak ler~ hihihi.... aku seram jugak time bagi dia mandi tu... nasib baik pak aku yg kena... hehehe~

  2. hah pak hg kena? pak hg kena hantu ka? huhu

  3. bukan....... pak aku yg kena bg mandi... eheheh~ lupa nak tulis 'mandi' kat situ... wani, aku minta maaf x dan nak call hang... masa hang msg tu aku dah lena sejam dah... pastu semalam pun sama... letih kejaq budak... malang sungguh... bianhae chingu ya......

  4. gwenchana~ hg dh reply kt cni..kira ok la tu..hehe


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