Sick~ uhuk..uhuk...

three days, i'm on the bed
coughing, running nose, with fever
Gosh...what a way to start the holiday~
but 'sakit tu kifarah dosa'...
maybe dosa aku banyak dah kot, so kena la kurangkan balik..
tapi honestly speaking, i wanna go home!!!! huhuhuhu...
but i cant drive more than 5 mins...
i get dizzy... how am i to survive one hour drive?

my mum asked me to call her so that she can fetch me..
but how can i trouble her? to come all the way here, just to fetch me home..
i'm not that cruel u know...
oh well, enough of rambling...
time to sleep some more... Good morning~ ^^

*p/s: time2 ni, kalau ada 'somebody' kan best~ hehehe :p*


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